This article was very interesting in that it talked about all of the different mediums and ways of art, and how they merged into one; creating this very new technological and advanced way of thinking about art. It was a very new concept to many individuals at the time which of course gained a lot of popularity very fast.
The most interesting part to me is that it talked about how times were changing rapidly in Europe and this new form of art was a way of getting information across to people in a creating way. In a way this art changed the media and how social media platforms relayed information to the world around them. To me art has always been a way in expressing my ideas and thoughts to others and I think that web art was an amazing change in the artistic and informational world. Anything can be art, and the art world is constantly changing and evolving allowing it to live on forever which I think is incredibly beautiful. The web also keeps record of a timeline where art began and where it is today and possibly where it is going in the future.
That is why I think this Web Work was so revolutionary because so many new discoveries were made that have put us where we are today. The internet continues to grow today making digital art and fabrications turn into real life amazing pieces of art and inventions.
It is amazing to see how far we have come in just a short amount of time and it makes me very excited to be growing up in a time where so many new discoveries are being made about our technology and future possibilities.